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What is the main benefit of investing in preferred shares?
Answer: C
Preferred shares provide investors withpriority to receive fixed dividends ahead of common shareholders.
This fixed income feature makes preferred shares similar to debt instruments but with characteristics of equity. While preferred shareholders have no guaranteed dividend payment (subject to the company's discretion and profitability), they are entitled to receive dividends before any distribution to common shareholders.
Preferred shares do not have a higher potential for capital appreciation compared to common shares, as they are typically designed for income rather than growth. Additionally, preferred shareholders have a lower claim on assets compared to debt holders.
According to the Bank of Canada, approximately how many months does it take for the effect of changes in monetary policy to be felt through the whole economy?
Answer: D
The Bank of Canada estimates that the effects of changes in monetary policy take approximately18 monthsto fully work through the entire economy. This lag exists because monetary policy impacts various sectors, such as consumer spending, business investment, and trade, at different speeds.
* B. 6 months: This is too short a timeframe for the full effects of monetary policy to materialize.
* C. 3 months: Immediate impacts may be seen in financial markets, but the broader economic effects require longer.
* D. 36 months: This is far longer than the typical lag for monetary policy effects.
What responsibility falls on the buy-side portfolio manager?
Answer: C
Thebuy-side portfolio manageris responsible for managing investments on behalf of institutional or retail clients. A critical responsibility is to provide the buy-side trader withpertinent market information and analysis of risksto ensure that trades are executed effectively and aligned with the investment strategy.
* Explanation of Options:
* A. Maintain Liquidity: Incorrect. This is more relevant to market makers or sell-side dealers who provide liquidity in the market.
* B. Contact with Dealers: Incorrect. While buy-side managers interact with dealers, their primary role is to strategize, not to maintain constant contact.
* C. Informing Traders: Correct. Buy-side managers analyze risks and market conditions and pass this information to traders for execution.
* D. Provide Information to Department Heads: Incorrect. This is not a core responsibility of buy- side portfolio managers.
* CSC Volume 2, Chapter 27: Responsibilities of buy-side portfolio managers and their interactions with traders.
What is an example of a common feature of robo-advisor services?
Answer: D
Manyrobo-advisorsoffer a hybrid model where an automated portfolio recommendation is supplemented by human oversight. A telephone call with an advisor ensures the portfolio generated by the algorithm aligns with the client's risk tolerance and investment objectives. This step helps meet regulatory suitability requirements.
* A. The service is exclusively provided to intermediaries such as advisors and employers: Robo-advisors are directly available to retail clients and are not exclusive to intermediaries.
* B. The portfolios are rarely rebalanced: Robo-advisors typically offer frequent or automatic rebalancing to maintain target asset allocations.
* C. Portfolios are built primarily with individual stocks and bonds: Robo-advisors predominantly use ETFs for diversification and cost-efficiency, not individual securities.
A business trust would typically purchase the underlying company assets of which type of operation?
Answer: B
Abusiness trusttypically acquires the operating assets of businesses such asrestaurants, which generate predictable and steady cash flows. Business trusts focus on distributing income to unitholders, and restaurant operations align well with this goal due to their recurring revenue models.
* Explanation of Options:
* A. Senior Housing: More common for real estate investment trusts (REITs), not business trusts.
* B. Restaurants: Correct. Restaurants are suitable for business trusts because of their stable cash flow potential.
* C. Industrial Rentals: Typically under REITs, not business trusts.
* D. Shopping Centres: Also more commonly associated with REITs.
* CSC Volume 2, Chapter 22: Business trusts and the types of operations they typically invest in.
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